Asociación Nacional de Anunciantes de Colombia
Calle 98 # 9 - 03 Oficina 606
Bogotá, Colombia

09 Mayo, 2012
En época de cambios e incertidumbre, el pensamiento estratégico, la innovación y el liderazgo son los temas fundamentales para mantener una cultura de excelencia. El Executive Development Program for Managers de University of Notre Dame, ubicada en el último ranking de Times Higher Education 2011-2012 como una de las mejores universidades del mundo ha sido cuidadosamente diseñado para cubrir los temas más críticos para la alta gerencia y sus equipos multifuncionales. 

Durante tres días en un ambiente de inmersión total, conocerá las mejores prácticas, compartirá experiencias con pares y obtendrá herramientas de aplicación inmediata junto a tres destacados académicos de University of Notre Dame:

· 4 de junio - Estrategias de Liderazgo Motivacional: El Líder como Coach - Joseph Holt
· 5 de junio - Pensamiento Estratégico: Organización, Clientes y Competidores - James Davis
· 6 de junio - La Innovación en los Negocios - Rajan Kamath

Lugar: Paipa Estelar y Centro de Convenciones

Para más información visite nuestro sitio web ò Comuníquese con nosotros al (571) 6298800. ¡Lo esperamos!


Mónica Buriticá. 
Seminarium Colombia
Teléfono: (571) 6298800 Ext. 106
Cel.: 31O-5461335
Fax: 6298800 Ext. 106


09 Mayo, 2012

To: Responsible Advertising and Children Programme (
Re: Audio-visual Media Services Directive first application report highlights industry progress, calls for greater children’s protection

On 7 May, the European Commission published a first report on the application of the 2010 Audiovisual and Media Services (AVMS) Directive (2007/65/CE) which recognises the effectiveness of the Directive but highlights the need to strengthen the rules protecting children:

"The report shows that the AVMS Directive is working, but internet-driven changes such as Connected TV mean we cannot be complacent" said Vice President Neelie Kroes in a press release.

In addition, the report highlights some aspects of the provisions on commercial communications that will need more in depth study.

Key points on advertising and children:

·         EU Platform for Diet, Physical Activity and Health

The Commission welcomes the progress made by the industry in the field of marketing and advertising as highlighted by the evaluation of the Platform for Action on Diet, Physical Activity and Health but supports the development of a definition of stricter age and audience thresholds for advertising and marketing and more consistent nutritional benchmarks across companies. 
Additionally, the Commission calls on Member States to encourage audiovisual media service providers to develop codes of conduct regarding inappropriate audiovisual commercial communications for food high in fat, salt or sugar targeting children.

·         Protection of children in advertising

A content analysis of the 100 most frequently broadcast advertising spots showed that the Directive’s provisions on the protection of minors in advertising were seldom contravened. 

·         Self-regulatory initiatives

The Commission underlines the role of Member States in framing industry-led self-regulatory codes, “(…) in particular with regard to the efficient and well-resourced administration of codes and the handling of complaints.”

·         New media

The regulatory framework set by the AVMS Direct will have to be tested against new media. Challenges posed by the transition to Connected TV services such as control of advertising and data protection are substantial. Such technological evolution might blur the boundaries between broadcasting and over the top delivery of audiovisual content. The Commission will deepen its analysis in the coming months and launch a wider consultation process in view of a policy document on Connected TV.

Next steps:

·         With regard to advertising and children, the Commission will initiate the necessary research in 2013 to assess the impact of commercial communications on minors, on their exposure and consumption behaviour, especially for alcoholic beverages, and the effectiveness of the Directive in achieving protection.

·         The 2004 Interpretative Communication which clarifies certain aspects of the provisions on TV advertising in the “Television Without Frontiers” Directive will be updated in 2013.

·         To date, 25 Member States have notified complete transposition of the AVMS Directive into their national legislation. Poland and Belgium still need to adapt their legislation. Additionally, three Member States still need to make some changes to their legislation in order to comply with the Directive.

09 Mayo, 2012

To: Responsible Advertising and Children Programme (
Re: US Institute of Medicine makes food marketing recommendations 

The US Institute of Medicine (IOM) just released a 462-page Report entitled: “Accelerating Progress in Obesity Prevention: Solving the Weight of the Nation” drafted following a request from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

IOM welcomes industry self-regulatory initiative in advertising to children (such as the Children’s Food and Beverage Initiative) but calls for stricter guidelines which apply to all food products, on all media, as well as for the extension of the guidelines to the age of 17 and for a more extensive membership.

It states that if stricter marketing standards have not been adopted within two years by a substantial majority of food, beverage, restaurant, and media companies, policy makers should consider setting mandatory nutritional standards for marketing to people aged 2-17.

Key Recommendations (divided in 5 broad themes) include:

1.     Integrate physical activity every day in every way


2.     Market what matters for a healthy life

o    The food and drink industry should develop and promote a variety of beverage options for consumers, including a range of healthy beverage options, beverages with reduced sugar content, and smaller portion sizes (for example, 8-ounce containers)

o    Chain and quick-service restaurants should substantially reduce the number of calories served to children and substantially expand the number of affordable and competitively priced healthier options available for parents to choose from in their facilities (through a joint effort modelled after the Healthy Weight Commitment initiative) and by making half of all children’s meals consistent with the food and calorie recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans for moderately active 4- to 8-year-olds).

o    The access to sugar-sweetened beverages should be banned in schools

o    Substantial and specific excise taxes should be introduced on sugar-sweetened beverages (e.g.: cents per ounce of liquid, cents per teaspoon of added sugar), with the revenues being dedicated to obesity prevention programs

o    Social marketing campaigns aimed at reducing overconsumption of sugar-sweetened beverages should be developed

o    The report welcomes the individual evaluation of the Healthy Weight Commitment (started in 2010) to study calorie sources and eating pattern shifts which shows that work is under way to measure progress.


3.     Make healthy foods and beverages available everywhere

o    All foods and beverages marketed to children aged 2-17 should support a diet that accords with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans

o    The standards set for foods and beverages marketed to this age group should apply to a broad range of marketing and advertising practices, including digital marketing and the use of licensed characters and toy premiums. If such marketing standards have not been adopted within two years by a substantial majority of food, beverage, restaurant, and media companies that market foods and beverages to children and adolescents, policy makers at the local, state, and federal levels should consider setting mandatory nutritional standards for marketing to this age group

o    The Children’s Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative and National Restaurant Association Initiative are encouraging but food marketing targeting children and adolescents continues to heavily promote products high in sugar, fat, and sodium. The industry should adopt common marketing standards on all media and for all member companies, extend the guidelines to the age of 17, and actively recruit additional members

o    Media companies should adopt nutrition standards for all foods they market to young people

o    The Federal Trade Commission should regularly track industry’s marketing standards

o    The FDA and USDA should adopt a single standard nutrition labelling system for all fronts of packages and retail store shelves and consider making it mandatory

o    Restaurants should implement the FDA regulations that require restaurants with 20 or more locations to provide calorie labeling on their menus and menu boards.


4.     Activate employers and health care professionals


5.     Strengthen schools as the heart of health


IOM released an Infographic with its report.

Reuters is one of a number of newswires to have already covered the report.




·          “Unhealthy” foods/beverages, are foods and beverages that are calorie-dense and low in naturally occurring nutrients (little fibre and few essential nutrients and phytochemicals, but contain added fats, sweeteners, sodium, and other ingredients).

·          Sugar-sweetened beverages are all beverages containing added caloric sweeteners, including, but not limited to, sugar- or otherwise calorically sweetened regular sodas, less than 100 percent fruit drinks, energy drinks, sports drinks, and ready-to-drink teas and coffees.


06 Mayo, 2012

Es un gusto  informarle acerca de nuestro Reconocimiento Universitario Caracol de Plata, IX Edición, con el tema central de DESARRROLLO SOSTENIBLE, las categorías participantes son:

  • Cartel / Afiche
  • Televisión  
  • Medios alternativos  
  • Medios digitales

La fecha de cierre de convocatoria será el día 5 de Junio.  Esperamos poder contar con algunas piezas representantes de la Universidades en su país, sobre todo, en las nuevas categorías de Medios Alternativos y Digitales.

Le estoy anexando nuestro Cartel digital y ahí muestra la página en donde los estudiantes podrán encontrar toda la información acerca de bases, requisitos técnicos y ligas a trabajos e información acerca del tema.

Agradeceremos la difución que puedan dar hacia sus contactos que pudieran estar interesados en participar.

Como siempre, quedamos a sus órdenes,

Caracol de Plata, AC

Cd. de México

04 Mayo, 2012


To: Responsible Advertising and Children Programme (
Re: European Commission publishes recommendations on online advertising to children


On 2 May, the EU Commission released its New strategy for safer internet and better internet content for children and teenagers which aims to harmonise protections across member states for children using online services.

The measures outlined in the strategy build on ongoing EU actions in this field. An industry coalition* was set up by the European Commission on 1 December 2011 to make a better and safer internet for children.

Online advertising & online purchases

Importantly, the Commission wants standards for advertising on websites for children allowing a level of protection comparable to that of advertising in audiovisual services.

Advertising is (…) thriving online, and children do not have a developed ability to engage critically with it”, the Commission notes.

It calls on the industry to:

·         provide transparent, clear and age-appropriate information about the costs of services that can be acquired online and avoid default settings that would easily allow children to access premium services for which additional payment is necessary.

·         avoid addressing children directly and encouraging them to buy virtual goods or credits with their mobile phone or other means that do not require prior parental control. Contextual early warnings about additional costs should be envisaged to empower children and parents.

·         build on self-regulatory standards such as those defined by the European Advertising Standards Alliance for behavioural advertising and proactively implement measures to avoid the exposure of children to inappropriate advertising in any form of online media.

The Commission will step up the enforcement of existing EU rules and stimulate further self-regulatory measures in order to better protect children from inappropriate advertising and overspending. It will also expand on the wider issue of children as consumers in the forthcoming Consumer Agenda.

The Commission warns that it will look into further legislation if self-regulatory measures fail to deliver.

Default age-appropriate privacy settings

In order to protect children’s personal data, the Commission calls on the industry to implement transparent default age-appropriate privacy settings.

The Commission will propose in 2012 a pan-European framework for electronic authentication that will enable the use of personal attributes (age in particular) to ensure compliance with the age provisions of the proposed data protection regulation.

Member States should encourage the adoption of self-regulatory measures by industry and follow their implementation at national level.

Parental controls

The industry should also ensure the availability of user friendly parental controls for all on all internet-enabled devices available in Europe. The tools should be efficient for any type of content, including user-generated content.

To this aim, the Commission will support benchmarking and testing parental control tools and relevant support services. Legislative measures will also be considered in this field if industry self-regulation fails to deliver.

*The 28 founding Coalition members are: Apple, BSkyB, BT, Dailymotion, Deutsche Telekom, Facebook, France Telecom-Orange, Google, Hyves, KPN, Liberty Global, LG Electronics, Mediaset, Microsoft, Netlog, Nintendo, Nokia, Opera Software, Research in Motion, RTL Group, Samsung, Sulake, Telefonica, TeliaSonera, Telenor Group, Tuenti, Vivendi, Vodafone.

30 Abril, 2012

Bogotá 30 de abril de 2012. El concurso EffieAwards Colombia, que se realiza por sexta vez en el país y cuyo objetivo es premiar  la efectividad de las campañas publicitarias,  anunció el día de hoy la lista de finalistas.

Con un record sin precedentes, los premios reportaron un incremento en sus inscripciones con un total de 272 campañas y 122 finalistas,  que confirman el buen momento de la publicidad colombiana.

Este año, 100 jurados evaluaron  29 categorías, de las cuales hay algunas  muy competidas como Gran Idea de Medios con 11 finalistas, Éxito Sostenido la cual tiene 7, Promociones con 12,  Alimentos y Bebidas con 8, otras con 6 finalistas: Higiene y Cuidado Personal , Internet, Campaña de Transformación Social ,  Campañas de Bajo presupuesto y  otras,  como  Marketing relacional y, Servicios Financieros con 5 y Activaciones  y Electrónica con 4.

Los Premios Effie serán entregados el próximo 17 de mayo en el auditorio del Gimnasio Moderno en Bogotá a las 6:30 pm, con tres categorías: Bronce, Plata, Oro y El  Gran Effie, en un encuentro entre anunciantes , agencias y demás representantes de  la industria publicitaria.

Los Effie fueron creados  en 1968 por la American Marketing Association  de New York  con el fin de  premiar aquellas ideas o estrategias creativas cuya efectividad fuera demostrable y se entregan en mas de 40 países alrededor del mundo. En Colombia estos premios son realizados por la ANDA (Asociación Nacional de Anunciantes) único ente profesional que evalúa la efectividad de las comunicaciones y cuenta con la participación como aliado académico de la Universidad EAFIT.

Para Mayor información de las campañas finalistas:

Información de Prensa:

Lina Garcia- Catalina Sotomayor

5333370- 3124318042 . 3115880984


30 Abril, 2012

BOGOTA A partir de la fecha, las organizaciones fabricantes y comercializadoras de productos alcohólicos no requerirán autorización previa por parte del Invima para publicitar sus productos, según lo dio a conocer ayer el ente de control de medicamentos y alimentos.

La medida busca dar cumplimiento a lo establecido en el Decreto Ley Antitrámites 19 de 2012 'Por el cual se dictan normas para suprimir o reformar regulaciones, procedimientos y trámites innecesarios existentes en la Administración Pública', y en lo estipulado en el Artículo 132 que: 'la publicidad de bebidas alcohólicas no requerirá de autorización previa por parte del Invima'.

Asimismo, la entidad dio a conocer que la medida también aplicará para la publicidad de alimentos ya que que no hay una obligación prevista o autorizada por la ley que así lo exija.

Sin embargo, cabe anotar que con esta nueva reglamentación, las empresas no quedan exentas de cumplir con las normas sanitarias vigentes y demás requisitos establecidos por las autoridades sanitarias competentes.

Según la entidad, la regulación no aplicará a las bebidas energizates, caso en el cual las empresas deberán tramitar legalmente la 'Autorización de Publicidad'.


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